My background is law with over 30 years experience in financial services, much of it working on financial planning software. IT is a passion.
Finchat leverages this experience with the opportunities emerging in the “4th Industrial Revolution”.
We aim to make financial planning more efficient, accessible and affordable
The “Real” Future of Financial Advice
The future of financial advice will be shaped as much by regulation as it will by emerging technology.
API’s (Application Programming Interface) will access data previously “locked up” in legacy systems. 5G will allow the transfer of much larger amounts of data quicker. Blockchain and crypto currencies will introduce new assets and ways of doing business. The “internet of things” (IoT) will connect us and all our devices which will get steadily “smarter” as AI (Artificial Intelligence) improves. Virtual and augmented reality will give us new experiences and ways to conduct business.
The huge burden and cost of regulation on advisers will have to be mitigated by an efficiency only technology can deliver.
Finchat offers cost-effective financial planning tools to improve productivity and increase client engagement.